You are invited to listen online or to attend in person
Sunday Services 11 am
Wednesday Meetings at 7 pm
We are a friendly Christian Science church that embraces people from all over London – and beyond! We welcome everyone to our services on Sundays. The Bible Lesson makes up the main part of the service. Each week readings from the Bible and an accompanying book ‘Science and Heath with Key to the Scriptures’ by Mary Baker Eddy’ are read during the services. Music also plays a major role, we love to sing! On Wednesdays, the meetings begin with readings on a chosen subject reflecting world and community issues. The second half is open for people to share their ideas, experiences and healings based on their contact with Christian Science.
Child care can usually be provided during service times.
Sunday Services 11 am
Youth Discussion Groups 11 am
Sunday School 11 am
Wednesday Meetings 7.30 pm